Retirement part 2

Week 3 of adjusting to life outside of routine and day by day discussions of what we should do next; that is week 3 of deciding what to do today. Among the options are:

maintaining a regular step count – thank you smart phone for having a step counter;

waking up to wordle;

tuning into essential classics on Radio 3;

reading the book club choice in the afternoon;


It doesn’t feel like a pattern has emerged yet. And I’m now considering applying an Ignite! favourite in terms of a prompt to creative thinking, the acronym SCAMPER..

yes Substitute, replacing Ignite! with another structure of creative learning, personal and social – and perhaps this is what Rehearsal could grow into; Combine, bringing the range of interests closer together – but first to identify what are the important priorities, young people, communities, cooking, photography, writing, travel – already there are too many to combine in any meaningful sense; Adapt, change the timing, change the frame, change the focus; Multiply, magnify, minify, change the scale, number, frequency..; Put to other use, and I can see that SCAMPER is both a challenge and opportunity, possibly because Put to other use clearly means diverting my talents such as they are and energy such as it is to the service of some other cause. And there is little doubt in my mind that retirement will be directed by ’causes’ of one social value or another; Eliminate, so there are many extraneous adjuncts to my life that could do with pruning, and definitely there are shelves, both actual and metaphorical, that need clearing of clutter; Reverse, if only, but I accept that I cannot go back.. onwards and not looking back.

I’ll have to use this blog as a progress checker, and I’ll keep you posted.

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